July 1, 2024

Top Misconceptions about Morocco

Top Misconceptions about Morocco
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Destination Morocco Podcast

In today's episode of Destination Morocco podcast, Azdean and Sam discuss common misconceptions about traveling to Morocco. 

They debunk myths related to the dress code, safety, LGBTQ+ community, and whether there's more to see in Morocco than just Marrakech (!). 

They also address the availability of Western amenities, the use of credit cards, and the fact that Morocco offers far more than just deserts. If you're a surfing fan, discover some amazing beaches you probably haven't heard of yet!

Our podcast aims to offer honest insights to prospective travelers, from native Moroccans like ourselves, and highlights the rich cultural heritage and hospitality of Morocco. Tune in to learn why Morocco should be on your travel list and how Destination Morocco can help craft your perfect itinerary.

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03:34 - Understanding Moroccan Dress Code

06:41 - Safety in Morocco

08:52 - LGBTQ+ Travel in Morocco

12:08 - Solo Female Travelers in Morocco

15:12 - Morocco's Diverse Landscapes

18:23 - Language and Communication in Morocco

21:56 - Alcohol and Western Amenities in Morocco

30:55 - Using Credit Cards in Morocco


AZDEAN: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Destination Morocco podcast, the show where we debunk myths, share stories, and open up the world for travel to everyone. Share stories and open up the world.

to everyone. I am your host, Azdean Elmoustaquim. And today we're diving into things that are [00:01:00] enchanting and misunderstood about Morocco known for its vibrant markets, stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. Morocco often faces misconceptions that Morocco often faces, misconceptions that deter travelers from safety concern to culinary fears.

These myths can overshadow the incredible experiences awaiting you in the North African gym. So buckle up as we unveil the top biggest misconceptions about traveling to Morocco and reveal why this country should be on your top travel list. In today's episode, we welcome back Sam from Marrakech. Sam, welcome back to the podcast.

SAM: Thank you, Azdean. Glad to [00:02:00] be here.

AZDEAN: Thank you. So, we're gonna dive right in. these misconceptions Uh, we have talked about them in many different episodes, uh, individually, uh, as one topic or two topics, or just, uh, as a question and so forth. But today we're going to go a little bit deeper, um, and give more explanations if you would.

So the first one we're going to start with Sam is the dress code. So when people travel to Morocco or before they travel to Morocco, they always have this misconception What how should they dress up? What should I wear? What not to wear? How to go to to the mosque, especially in Casablanca and things like that.

SAM: For the people traveling to Morocco. Even for the first time or second time. Especially the first time they don't know about the culture because they think that Morocco is an Arabic or Muslim country. So the dress code is [00:03:00] different and they have no idea about how to dress or what to dress.

So Morocco is a Western, it's like a Western country. It's very, very open. The people are, are open-minded, so is whatever you want, especially in the big cities like Marrakesh, like Fes, like Casablanca, like Rabat, Tangier and so on. And sometimes when you go to the villages, you can still dress the same if you, if you want.

Like, you don't have to cover your hair, or your head, or your face, but you can just wear as casual as I'm wearing right now. So jeans or something like that, and you can wear whatever you want to wear. In the big cities, like Marrakech, when you go to have a walk in Jemefna Square, in the Ghillies, the new town, for example, you will notice that Marrakech is like, you are working in Paris, or you're working in New York, so the people are very open minded, and they wear like, they dress like, same as [00:04:00] you dress, for example, in your hometown.

Uh, so just don't worry, if you, if you come in winter, Don't bring too heavy clothes. So Morocco has an amazing weather the whole year. And for example, when you come in summer, it's a little bit hot, especially in the southern part of Morocco. But you can still wear what you want to wear.

It's very safe. And just come and enjoy.

AZDEAN: I remember this question specifically when we, we, we had Max and Jamie traveling to Morocco. And Max, when she arrived, she had the fast tracking and then she was greeted by the girl and she was very surprised to see that the girl was wearing kind of mini skirt or so and she was like, I would not even let my daughter wear that.

But she was really, really surprised to be greeted that way. She did not expect the young lady to be dressed up that way. But, [00:05:00] you know, in Morocco, people, they dress up, like Westerners. They do. And I always say the same thing. Where, what makes you comfortable? Because everybody, when they see you, they know you're a tourist.

They know you're here for, you know, to have fun, to enjoy your time. So there's really no pressure when it comes to, to dress code. When you go to the mosque, yeah, it's a little different, but still, uh, not a major difference. So, moving to the next, uh, question or topic. To debunk Sam, you know, a lot of people when they look at Morocco or travel to Morocco, they're really scared.

Oh, I'd rather go to to the Caribbean versus Morocco. I'd rather go to to Mexico versus Morocco. How safe is Morocco for tourists in general?

SAM: unfortunately, the media is just, uh, didn't give the right information or just give the people the wrong information about. The country, especially when talking about Morocco, Morocco is very safe. I can say [00:06:00] it's safer than the Caribbean, it's Mexico, safer than the other countries around, especially when we talk about Africa.

the safest one when we talk about safety in Africa and the Middle East. When we're talking about, the Arabic or Muslim countries, Morocco is the safest country. So you can travel wherever you want. Whenever you want, you can go to the villages, you can visit the imperial cities, You can swim in the beautiful beaches of Morocco.

You can enjoy your trip without any borders, is very safe, 100 percent safe.

AZDEAN: Thank you. if you look at the qualifications, when it comes to safety for travelers to Morocco, it's, it's in the same category as the United States of America. even with the ongoing, events internationally today, it is still very safe for travelers to, to go to Morocco and enjoy Morocco.

SAM: When you watch the news on the media or on TV, what's going on in the Middle East right now, they're just talking about the Arabic or [00:07:00] Muslim countries in general.

We are very, very far from the Middle East. Morocco is very far from there. And we are a North African country. Geographically, if we talk about geography of Morocco, it's a North African country. And just we have like 15 kilometers between Morocco and Spain. So we are very, very close to the Europeans, to the European country and European culture, rather than the culture of the other countries in Africa and the Middle East. Yes.

AZDEAN: have talked about and, and, uh, it's really sensitive. And also extremely misunderstood and there's a lot of misconceptions about it. When we talk about the, the travel of the LGBTQ plus community, And I know, uh, some time ago we talked to, you know, Santiago from the LGBTQ, uh, community.

And, you know, they really, really like Morocco and they wanted to see if they can add it to one of their [00:08:00] destinations. Uh, so he did the trip to Morocco and, and he said, um, he felt so safe, he felt very safe and people are very welcoming. Nobody cared that he was gay or not gay. They treated him the same as everybody else and he had an amazing experience and at the end of the tour, I mean, when we say goodbyes, those are really, really difficult for everyone.

So he was, he was very touched by the hospitality of Moroccans that he was not Single doubts that, hey, just because you're gay or this, um, we're gonna treat you differently now. So, it's really safe for the LGBT community to travel to Morocco. You will love it just as you would love any other beautiful destinations. So everybody's welcome.

Morocco welcomes the LGBTQ plus community. we want to have everybody, we do not discriminate against anyone. Uh, and this is a very sensitive topic and, uh, we did not talk about it for quite some time, [00:09:00] actually.

SAM: That's right, Azdean. So when it comes to LGBTQ, LGBTQ plus travelers, there is a lack of information on the internet and all, I can say like 90 percent of the information is wrong about the country. Either you are gay, lesbian, transgender.

Anything, you can just travel to Morocco. It's very safe and welcome. I said before, with When we started I said, Morocco is an open-minded country, and it's open to the western, due to the interculture between the European and Western country in general, and the Arabic culture. So we, the, the, the, the country is very open and what I want to add here is just, there is many Moroccans.

I said thousands and thousands of Moroccans are gays and lesbians the subject in Morocco is still like kind of taboo, but it's coming to be like something very normal, even for Moroccans. When we're talking about [00:10:00] travelers, You can just come visit the country and you will feel very, very safe rather than some other countries in the western, in the western part of the world.

AZDEAN: you know, when we did the tour last year, we, we invited some, some travel agents and we reached out to all different communities. the people that ended up coming with us, you know, many could not make it because of conflict of schedule or whatever reason we had, two gay, you know, people in our tour.

so much. And throughout the tour, I mean, we did 15 days. we personally did not see anybody treat them any different. They did not feel, that anybody had treated them different. They, they, they were very happy, uh, surprisingly happy with the whole experience. So it's, uh, you know, don't believe everything you read or you see in the media.

So, but we're moving on to, yeah, yeah. We're going to move to the next topic, even though we just talked about. You know, safety in Morocco. I want to talk about it specifically, Sam, if you would, please, for [00:11:00] solo female travelers. How safe is Morocco for female solo travelers, please?

SAM: Yes, uh, we had this question many times and many people asked us if you remember Rachel. First time when she reached out to us, she was very scared. And she didn't know the country, though I can say, like, 20 percent of the travelers in the country are solo travelers. So it's very, very safe you have dinner somewhere in Fez or in Tangier. You can just walk to your riad. before midnight. you can just walk through the alleys of the Medina, for example, Fez in Marrakech. You can go walk into your riad, very safe as a solo female traveler.

There is accommodations, they respect you, restaurants, they respect you, everybody you meet in the markets, in the souks, for example, in the villages, in the outskirts of the big cities, everybody will welcome you with a big [00:12:00] smile.

AZDEAN: Thank you for clarifying that, Sam. Really appreciate it. We've had many women travel by themselves. We have Rachel. We have, Ceasha from Canada. 

SAM: Ceasha, yeah.

AZDEAN: And she did the southern Morocco tour. She did the desert. And she just, she felt super safe.

I remember her driver, Mohamed, did an amazing job. And then she stayed with Said at his camp. And she had an excellent experience. So don't be deterred that, Hey, it's not safe for female travelers. It is safe. Uh, you can travel as a solo female a, in a small group. it gives you that, you know, that safety feeling if you would, but also you can just travel by yourselves.

and it's a lot of fun. You'll enjoy it. So. You'll get to know yourself a little bit more better.

SAM: Azdean, just to tell, like, I, I know two female travelers. They, they, they come to Morocco and they fell in love with the country and they are now living in Marrakech. They come to the country as a solo female travelers. And now they, they run their business in Marrakech and they live here in Morocco [00:13:00] forever.

They are from United States, and they fall in love with the country and they choose Marrakech to start their business, to start their new life. Because at the beginning, they told me the story. We were very, uncomfortable to travel to a country, a North African country, we don't know.

But when we come to the country, everything we heard about the country was, you know,


SAM: So we feel safe and even we choose to live in the country instead.

AZDEAN: It's, there's so many stories. I remember Nancy, you know, when we did the podcast with Nancy from Canada. She actually moved to Morocco. She's living in Morocco now, but because she's, you know, because of her status, uh, every three months has to leave the country and come back. And she's doing amazing work, uh, with the, uh, the, the Atlas Association, I believe, uh, that she's involved with.

So it's just, it's, it's beyond incredible. Once you, you get to know the people, you fall in love with them, so, um, the, the next thing that I would like to discuss, Sam, if you would, is a lot of people, [00:14:00] even in the U.

S., um, when tour operators, when people talk about Morocco, you always see the camel, you always see the sand, a lot of people, they just think all Morocco is just a desert. Is it?

SAM: absolutely. No, Morocco is very, very diverse. Unfortunately, as I told you, there is a lack of information about the country. Morocco is very diverse. We have Atlas Mountains. We have high Atlas Mountains. We have middle Atlas Mountains. We have anti Atlas Mountains and we have Rif mountains. So all of them are different.

The landscapes, the views, the sceneries are just breathtaking. We have like 1514 kilometers of beautiful beaches throughout the Atlantic coast and the Mediterranean. We have the imperial cities which is you will not find in other African countries, even in the Middle East countries, except when in Jordan, there is a Petra, something like that.

But in Morocco, we have all [00:15:00] this. We have the old Medinas. The Old Medina is something unique to Morocco. You wouldn't find it in Tunisia or Algeria, or even in Libya or in Egypt. The Old Medina in Egypt is totally different than Morocco,


SAM: So, the, we have, like, accommodations, international accommodations.

We have, like, for example, when you are touring in Morocco, like, for 15 days, and once you want to, like, to have, like, McDonald's, you miss McDonald's or you miss, like, KFC, you miss KFC. We have it in all the cities in Morocco, almost. So, yeah, just clarify the idea that Morocco is a desert. We have, two deserts.

We have the Shigega, one of the beautiful Sahara deserts. We have Merzouga, and we have the Western Sahara of Morocco, starting from, um, Glimim to Laayoune, to Takhla. It's very fast and diverse. So, the country is amazing and very beautiful with diverse [00:16:00] landscapes and sceneries.

AZDEAN: The other thing that I would like to add, especially in the West, I mean, I, I've seen it, I've seen it all the time. So one thing that we try to do as a, as a tour company, as. ambassadors to Morocco, especially when you follow us on social media, you'll see things that nobody else posts.

you know, a lot of people, they've been to Fes, a lot of people or tour operators or travel agents. "Oh, I've been to Fes." But the way that we show Fes is a little bit different because we have access to the inaccessible. We have access to things that nobody has access to. It doesn't matter what city, what village and so forth.

That's, that's our network. And also we show the diversity of Morocco, we don't show 10, 000 pictures of camels, but we show 10, 000 things about Morocco that it really, really, really represents Morocco. So we, you know, when you talk about Morocco, the diversity, it's not just the desert, it's just, it's layers and layers of history, layers of history.

experiences layers of beautiful [00:17:00] super hospitable people so And I can't wait for the people who have never been to Morocco to experience it and for the ones that who have Thank you sure that experience will change your life for sure. 

So the next thing that I would like to do to talk about Sam is you know the language we have a program now And you can, you can see it in our posts, whether it's Instagram at Destination Morocco or TikTok at Destination Morocco or, on YouTube at Destination Morocco, and we talk about Darija classes.

We get a lot of feedback, you know, people that are traveling, you have an opportunity to learn a little bit of, you know, how to say this versus this in Morocco and so forth. So, when you talk about Moroccans, We do speak several languages it's not something that it's uncommon.

This is very common knowledge that the average Moroccan will speak a minimum of two languages. 

SAM: when you visit the country, because there is also a misunderstanding about the country, because many people, they think that Morocco is a French country.[00:18:00] 

It's not a French country. Our official language languages are Arabic. And but the country speaks, English, in, even in the villages. You will meet your guys in the villages and they speak very well, very well English, and you will just be surprised.

Oh my God, this guy is living in the village and he speaks English. So, without talking about, the big cities like Marrakech, Fes, Tangier, Essaouira, for example. Uh, Ouarzazate, Merzouga, All the people there, they speak like different languages. Spanish, French, English. Uh.

Germany, and so on and so forth. we already have live Q and A about this, about the languages spoken in Morocco, if you remember. So, um, English is very, very, very familiar and very, very, very most spoken in Morocco. And thanks to the U. S. government who helped us, by the way, to start teaching kids, English, starting [00:19:00] from the elementary school, and within four years, will start, teaching English for kids, starting from the primary school.

Which is amazing.

AZDEAN: And I remember my time and your time, we, we learned English, uh, in high school, which it's kind of late to learn English.

So this is a really good idea. And the US. Just for the people to know, um, they gave 250 million U. S. dollars to Morocco to do this, program, which really made the French kind of mad, but learning a new language, even for the kids, it's, uh, the benefit to it are just, it's just beyond incredible.

SAM: When you travel to Morocco, I want to say just don't worry about the language. So especially when you travel with us, when you travel with us with Destination Morocco, we have our drivers, all of them, they speak English. We have local guys speaking very well English and they know that they have a deep knowledge about the country and they can give you any information in English.

AZDEAN: Okay. Awesome. 

There's a hidden [00:20:00] Morocco within Morocco. And we're going to talk a little bit more about it once we get to, to, to some questions, in a little bit. But, you know, Morocco is very diverse. I mean, we've had this before. We've had this with Angel. We've had this with Dan.

We've had this with so many people. They said, you know, Morocco is the only country that I felt I want to go back to and visit. I visited 32 countries. I visited 60 countries. But Morocco has that, that, that special flavor that it just, brings you back once you to come back and visit it.

And also we cannot forget about the people, just the amazing hospitality of Moroccans, which is really, really incredible. So this takes us to the next question or topic that it's, this one is a big one in a way. And it's extremely misunderstood and there's kind of a taboo around it that when people think of Morocco, they don't think of alcohol.

They don't think, hey, you know, if I go to Morocco, I can only have, a soda or I can only have a juice or a smoothie, but they don't think of having [00:21:00] a glass of wine or alcohol in general. So Sam, can tourists drink alcohol in Morocco? And if they can, where can they find it?

For example, I'm staying at a Riyadh. I want to have some alcohol. Can I go to the bar? Can I go outside? Is there specific stores that I can go and get some, some alcohol? Or it's just all forbidden because of it's, it's Morocco.

It's a Muslim country.

SAM: We have wine, we have beers, we have liquor, we have everything you want.

You can have it, we have restaurants. They serve alcohol in all the cities. We have it in the riads. hotels, accommodations. Your accommodation, for example, you can order a beer, and you go to the tourists overlooking the Jemma el-Fnaa Square and enjoy your beer there.

when you're traveling to the desert, there is special shops. There is the big markets like Walmart or Carrefour or something like that, where there is places to buy, to buy alcohol and there is small shops in the city. like in say Marrakech, we have like over 50 place where you can [00:22:00] buy alcohol, there is, in France, in Tangier, in Casablanca, everywhere. If you into the desert, for example, there is in Ouarzazate. You can buy it there and take it to the Sahara, for example.

Wherever you go, we have alcohol. Uh, unfortunately there is, there is this, um, misunderstood about The culture of the country. I know, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and stuff, they don't have this in their country.

But as I said before, the country is open. So we have all you need in terms of alcohol and you can enjoy your drink without any issues.

AZDEAN: Okay, great. Now, if somebody wants to do a wine tour in Morocco, is there a place where they can go, or this is not available, 

SAM: there is wineries, the famous ones, there is in Meknes. in Bofgren, and there is one in Essaouira. Those are the famous and the best ones if you want to do like a wine tour. We organize it mostly for our travelers in Destination Morocco, and unique and amazing experience.

They have like, uh, something organic, [00:23:00] like the one in Essaouira, in Unaga, there is a farm and there is a factory, a wine factory, so you can taste and enjoy your wine there.

Oh my

AZDEAN: This is perfect. Now, the question that I have, Sam, you seem to know quite a bit of, about this. Do you have membership to all these places?

SAM: By the way, many of travelers, they asked me, Do you drink alcohol? Of course I drink alcohol.

AZDEAN: do, do you get samples?

SAM: Of course I drink alcohol.

AZDEAN: Do you get samples?

SAM: it's, it's funny. Thank you for that. Thank you. 

AZDEAN: So the next one that I that I have, maybe now it's different than 30 years ago. So, but me growing up in Morocco for, it's, it has changed for sure. So, um, you know, in Mars, okay, let me, let me say [00:24:00] that again. There's not much to see beyond Mars.

Is this true, Sam?

SAM: Unfortunately, the other tour operators and travel agents, they don't know about these places. we covered the uncovered. Part the of the country. This is because we are natives and we know we have some unique and special places. It's not, there is only Marrakesh.

Beyond Marrakesh. There is, there is Morocco,

AZDEAN: Yes. Yes. know, uh, Some of the beaches, uh, for us, you know, elWalidiyya is a small, beautiful coastal city. Um, we go to ElWalidiyya, Jdida or ElJadida, Sidi Bouzid, Taghazout, Agadir, Mirlift, Dakhla. Dakhla is well known, especially for international surfing. There's, there's so many hidden gems in Morocco. And I know we, we, we, these names that we're saying, they are not going to resonate, but everybody misses them.

So these are the Some of the places that you [00:25:00] can visit in the coastal part of Morocco. the beaches are incredible. Then we talk, you know, the north side, we talk about Housseima, we talk about Martil, we talk about, you know, Tangier, we talk about the Mediterranean ocean.

you know, the beauty of Morocco absolutely extends beyond Marrakech and things to do. so many different ways to fall in love. with Morocco. 

SAM: You can visit, for example, I can say in the Anti-Atlas Mountains. You can visit the mountains of Saro, You can do trekking. Yeah. in Garvin rocks in you can just spend three days or four days walking in the, in the, in the palm grove or the palm oasis of Nkhob, for example.

You can visit, like, there is a place which is an unknown for the tourists, which is, Tata. You can

AZDEAN: Oh my goodness.

SAM: aga that route. Tafraout, Tata, Lixira, for example, there a very beautiful beach in Lixira. Oh my god, it's clean, it's safe, [00:26:00] you can swim, you can enjoy a surf, you can enjoy a walk.

The travel advisors or travel agencies, they just known about Fes, Casablanca. It's what's called classic, classic tours, but there is some places. We can talk about Imlil, we can talk about Izoukak, Ouirgane. You can spend three days in Ouirgane, visiting, just having experiences with locals.

you can visit, the region of, of Arif between Husayn and There is uncovered unfortunately, the people don't know about this, but we are here.

We are here to help people discover the hidden country.

AZDEAN: Thank you so much, Sam for that. Yeah. Morocco really, really extends beyond Marrakesh, so the next one that I have One of the the misconceptions and I think because time has changed now, but a lot of people they may not know is there any Western amenities in Morocco? So, you know, I don't want to stay at a riad I don't want to eat local cuisine.

I want to have some Mexican food. I some Chinese food I want to have some, [00:27:00] different cuisine in Morocco different Things in Morocco. Westernized things in Morocco. Can I find those?

SAM: I can start first, accommodations or hotels. example, we have like a Robert De Niro. I think we have a hotel named Nubo, Nubo Hotel in Marrakech. We have the player, the footballer player, Cristiano Ronaldo has a very luxury hotel in Marrakech, which is run by the same company as Four Seasons and his own company, which is called Pistana. And we have international famous, brands. We go to Gueliz, to the new town in Marrakech, to Carré Eden, Carré Eden, you will find Zara, you will find, H& M, you will find, like, Nike, you will find Adidas and, and stuff.

Yeah, KFC McDonald's, we have, like, four McDonald's in Marrakech right now. We have three KFCs. So, there you can have any, any western food you want to enjoy. [00:28:00] Yeah,

AZDEAN: it comes to tourism, I mean Morocco, I mean, obviously tourism is really, really huge in Morocco, it's extremely important. And also, um, For the next five to 10 years, we're going to see massive, massive expansion, especially on those cities that we've talked about, you know, in Moroccan Sahara, which is different than, you know, Chigaga or Merzouga.

Billions are being invested as of right now, and people will start to take advantage of it and the benefits from it, which is just incredible. So when it comes to tourism, we are in, really in, Beginning stages, even though, you know, thousands and thousands of layers of histories. The tourism is only going to get bigger in Morocco.

It's going to get better in Morocco and it's going to get a little bit more expensive for sure. So, um, the next, the next misconception that I would like to talk about, does Morocco accept credit cards can you use credit cards in [00:29:00] Morocco?

SAM: Yes, many people they asked, many of our followers, they asked can I use my credit card? Of course! There is ATMs everywhere. There is in all the accommodations, restaurants, riads and even the shops. all of them, they accept credit cards.

There is some places where there is not, there is no network, especially in the Sahara, in the desert, Sahara, there is no, no network, so they can, they can't charge your, your credit card. Else, the, the places where there is Wi Fi, for example, and internet, all these places, they accept credit cards. And talking about the ATMs, we have ATMs everywhere.

We have the banks, for example, everywhere, except in the small, small villages.

AZDEAN: Yes. Yes. I remember in the summertime when, when we traveled, you know, we did the North side of Morocco. We did the South side. So, I stayed in Morocco for 50 days, but we were, we were touring for 40 days. So, even for me, it was, it was such a relief, [00:30:00] because there was 10 of us traveling. So many different rooms, lunches, breakfasts, dinners.

And it was such a release when you say, Hey, do you take credit card? Do you take debit card? And they say, yes. And, um, that's one of the biggest surprises for me during that summer. And I'm so happy and glad that, all the places that we have been to, accept credit cards. I think, I'm not sure if Said does or not, but you know, we can always do a bank transfer because we're local, which is fine well.

So, yeah. And as we, as, as we get close to the ending of this episode, there's a lot of misconceptions about Morocco. what you see in the media may not be 100 percent true, but what I would, what I would recommend is if you have an opportunity to visit Morocco, do it. It's an experience that will absolutely change your life for the better. And you walk away with memories that last a lifetime. so we hope this episode has shed some light into Morocco, the, the Moroccans, the people, the [00:31:00] hospitality of the people.

Uh, when you book with us, we go above and beyond what's expected of us. There's a lot of things we don't tell you when you book with us, but we like to see, you know, the look on your faces, the expressions, the surprise, and that's what really makes us different. We have different than anybody else, we are a small, tour company.

But we are different. We are still unknown, and we want you guys to make us famous in a way, as Imran always says. So, uh, know, if you like this episode, please share it with your friends, subscribe to our podcast, leave us a review. If there's any topic that you would like us to discuss, reach out to us.

We're here for you, and we hope that the content that we pick for every episode or the live Q& A and everything we do, It's to your satisfaction. And also look at our social media handles or accounts. everything we do is very unique. It's very different. we show it to you different, in hopes that really inspire you and reach us.

Reach [00:32:00] out to us or book your own trip or go with somebody. So it's a, we're super grateful for the listeners, super grateful for the people that book with us and go with us. We are a tour company but we realize, you know, the outreach of the podcast, the benefit of it, you know, debunking a lot of these things it's a really, really, really good medium, for us to use and utilize, because I remember when we first started and we wanted to do.

An episode about, Ramadan. Then we started doing the research. So many false, inaccurate information online, but people cannot tell the difference. we have a unique opportunity and we're very grateful for it. So Sam, uh, any last words?

Anything that I should have asked you for this episode that I did not or forgot? 

SAM: We are doing our best to clarify as much as we can about, and to give more information as much as we can about the country, because we love the country and we want you as well to love the country and come to visit the country.

AZDEAN: Absolutely.

SAM: Thank you very much.[00:33:00] 

AZDEAN: Thank you so much. Thank you for listening to us. Have an amazing, amazing day. Until next episode, safe travels.